As you know, our hockey association has undergone many changes this year and we appreciate the patience and support you have shown us so far. That being said, it is important that we share with you our vision, our mission and our core values.
Our Vision: is to be a leader amongst the minor hockey associations in Quebec.
Our Mission: is to offer all our members an unforgettable experience by using the power of positive reinforcement to enable a winning attitude, and more importantly, teaching life lessons through youth hockey.
Our goal of teaching life lessons through youth hockey is shared amongst all members of the Board and Hockey Committee and we hope to transmit that to our members as well.
Let the hockey season be about more than just playing a sport we love!
That being said, please remember this is a TEAM sport, it isn’t about winning or losing, it’s about developing and playing the game they love! AA-BB-A-B-C are just letters, don’t let them define who your child is.
The lessons learned on and off the ice are far greater than the score board at any given time.
Your HMIP association is one that is flexible and dedicated to creating an environment and experience that is directly related to our values, vision and mission.
Our Vision: is to be a leader amongst the minor hockey associations in Quebec.
Our Mission: is to offer all our members an unforgettable experience by using the power of positive reinforcement to enable a winning attitude, and more importantly, teaching life lessons through youth hockey.
Our Core Values are:
Let the hockey season be about more than just playing a sport we love!
That being said, please remember this is a TEAM sport, it isn’t about winning or losing, it’s about developing and playing the game they love! AA-BB-A-B-C are just letters, don’t let them define who your child is.
The lessons learned on and off the ice are far greater than the score board at any given time.
Your HMIP association is one that is flexible and dedicated to creating an environment and experience that is directly related to our values, vision and mission.
1 week ago
Important: Veuillez vérifier vos emails et TeamSnap. Tous les joueurs (M9 à M18) ont été ajoutés à TeamSnap et les calendriers ont été mis à jour.______________________________________________________Important: Please verify your emails and TeamSnap. All players (M9 to M18) have been added to TeamSnap and the schedules have been updated.
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2 weeks ago
***PRE-CAMP***Les groupes et horaires sont maintenant disponibles sur***PRE-CAMP***The groups and schedules are now available at
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Pre-Camp 2024 NOTE: Due to the unexpected closure of MAC Arena until December for urgent repairs, the precamp will be held at the Cité-des-Jeunes arena from September 2nd to September 6th AHMIP is pl...3 weeks ago
Merci à tous les joueurs et familles du HMIP qui se sont inscrits. Nous attendons avec impatience la saison 2024-2025. Si pour une raison quelconque vous avez manqué la période d’inscription, veuillez contacter [email protected] dès que possible. Bien que nous ne puissions pas garantir une place, nous ferons de notre mieux pour trouver une place à votre enfant dans une équipe et nous assurer qu’il ne rate pas cette saison !Pour les catégories M5 (2020-2021), M7 (2018-2019) et M9 (2016-2017), nous avons maintenu les inscriptions ouvertes car nos contraintes de temps sont un peu plus gérables pour ces catégories d’âge. Veuillez visiter pour vous inscrire.——————————————————-Thanks to all HMIP players and families who have registered. We are anxiously looking forward to the 2024-2025 season. If for whatever reason you missed the registration period, please contact [email protected] ASAP. Although we cannot guarantee a spot, we will do our best to find your child a place on a team and make sure they don’t miss out this season!For M5 (2020-2021), M7 (2018-2019) and M9 (2016-2017) we have kept registration open as our time constraints are a little more manageable for those age categories. Please visit to register.
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3 weeks ago
MISE À JOUR IMPORTANTE : Nous avons été informés que l’arena MAC sera fermé jusqu'au 1er décembre en raison d'une panne majeure d'équipement. Nous devons donc modifier les dates et le lieu du Pré-Camp du 2 au 6 septembre à l'Aréna Cité des Jeunes. Si vous êtes inscrit au Pré-Camp, un courriel a été envoyé plus tôt dans la journée, veuillez vous y référer pour plus de détails.Pour tous ceux qui pourraient s’inquiéter de la fermeture de l’arena MAC, ne paniquez pas. Les membres ingénieux du conseil d'administration de HMIP sont occupés à trouver des options/solutions à ce nouvel obstacle. Dès qu’un plan sera en place, nous partagerons les détails avec vous.La date prévue pour les activités sur glace de la saison régulière est le 7 septembre à l'aréna Cité des Jeunes._____________________________IMPORTANT UPDATE: We were informed that MAC Arena will be closed until December 1 because of major equipment failure. We therefore have to modify the dates and location of the Pre-Camp to September 2 to 6 at Cité des Jeunes Arena. If you are registered for the Pre-Camp, an email was sent earlier today, please refer to it for further details.For all who may be worried about the closure at MAC Arena, please don't panic. HMIP's resourceful board members are busy finding options/solutions to this new obstacle. As soon as a plan is in place, we will share the details with all of you.Forecasted date for regular season on ice activities is September 7th at Cité des Jeunes Arena.
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