Important Infos
- A document describing the entire Team Selection Process has been published. We encourage you to read it.
- For more details about the double letter season, please consult this document.
- AHMIP will supply new practice sweaters to all players that must be worn. Do not use a sweater from a previous season
- U5 (INI) & U7 (Pre-Novice) won’t be starting before mid october. U5 & U7 player groups will be posted closer to the start date.
Groups & Schedule
CRITICAL: Players can only attend sessions they are assigned to. No exceptions.
Although the schedule is posted to the AHMIP website, we will be using TeamSnap as the primary destination for all schedule / group information. Please consult your TeamSnap Group if you have any questions.
Please note : evaluation groups have not yet been created in TeamSnap. Only once players are assigned to an evaluation group will a player be able to know their full evaluation schedule.
Please advise us if you can’t find your child in any group at : [email protected]
As we move from the warm-up phase of the season and into the evaluation phase for the U11-U18 players, AHMIP would like to provide the following updates to all families as we try to answer several commonly asked questions and continue to provide information as we can.
- Question: Does AHMIP know when the Single Letter teams will be final?
- Answer: Based on the current evaluation schedule, it is expected the U11 to U18 teams will be made by late-September.
- Question: Does AHMIP know how many Single Letter teams it will have for the season?
- Answer: No, currently AHMIP does not know. There are numerous factors at U11, U13, U15, U18 that are preventing final decisions to be made. AHMIP is waiting to see how many HMIP players are kept for Double Letter teams both in our own Double Letter merger and for Double Letter teams outside our merger. We are also short goalies at some age categories and until we find a solution it creates limitations in how many teams we can make.
- Question: Does the group (Gr1, Gr2, Gr3) correspond to the level (A, B, C) a player will ultimately play for the season?
- Answer: No, this is never the case. As explained in the previous question, at time of writing AHMIP does not even know how many single letter teams it will have for the upcoming season – so it is impossible to say Gr1 equals “A” simply because there might be 1 or 2 “A” teams and the number of players selected for “A” would thus change dramatically… The number of players in a group also never equals to the number of players taken at any level, regardless of how many teams there are in each category.
- Question: Has AHMIP chosen coaches for the upcoming season?
- Answer: No, AHMIP does not make any coaching determinations until the player evaluations are 100% final by age category and we know exactly which players are placed in which level. This is the case both at Double and Single Letters. All coaching determinations are made only after the player evaluations are final.
- Question: Are the U5 and U7 seasons on track to start?
- Answer: Yes, the season will start in mid-October. A reminder the registrations for U5 and U7 are still open and AHMIP continues to encourage people to register. It is a great entry point to the game we all love.